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2006 archive

2006 NDP Federal Convention: Activist, socialist NDP needed

Fightback editorial board | September 4, 2006

URGENT APPEAL: Mexican Marxists come under attack

In Defence of Marxism -- www.marxist.com | September 1, 2006

What attitude should the APPO take towards the National Democratic Convention?

Militante Mexico -- www.militante.org | September 1, 2006

Oaxaca: The spearhead of the Mexican Revolution

John Peterson (based on reports and articles by Militante Mexico) | August 31, 2006

Mexico: Mass protest against electoral fraud acquires insurrectionary proportions

Erik Demeester -- www.marxist.com | August 30, 2006

Israel and Lebanon: What next?

Yossi Schwartz -- www.marxist.com | August 30, 2006

One Year Since Katrina: The disaster continues

John Peterson -- www.socialistappeal.org | August 29, 2006

Hugo Chavez thanks “Hands Off Venezuela” campaign

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | August 29, 2006

Capitalism and the Environment

Mick Brooks -- www.marxist.com | August 21, 2006

Moscow to Peking — the real differences

Ted Grant -- www.marxist.com | August 14, 2006

15 Aug: International Day of Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | August 12, 2006

Beware the attack on democracy lurking behind terrorism scare

Maarten Vanheuverswyn -- www.marxist.com | August 11, 2006

A Better World is Possible With Socialism

Ann Robertson -- www.marxist.com | August 10, 2006

It’s good to be a capitalist — or is it?

Harry Nielson -- www.marxist.com | August 9, 2006

Ground offensive in Lebanon – Israeli ruling class faces dilemma

Yossi Schwartz -- www.marxist.com | August 5, 2006

The past of Lebanon weighs heavily on what is happening today

Yossi Schwartz -- www.marxist.com | August 5, 2006

IMT statement on Cuba: Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution — down with capitalism and imperialism

In Defence of Marxism -- www. marxist.com | August 3, 2006

CAW leadership candidate Willie Lambert speaks with Fightback

Julian Benson | August 2, 2006

The Venezuelan Revolution and the struggle for socialism — Part three

Corriente Marxista Revolucionaria -- venezuela.elmilitante.org | August 2, 2006

Fightback at Miner’s Memorial Day in Cumberland, BC

Fightback | July 26, 2006

Ginger Goodwin: Canadian labour martyr

Mike Palecek | July 26, 2006

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