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Are we facing World War III?

Alan Woods | September 17, 2024

Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky’s amazing Kursk adventure

Alan Woods | August 20, 2024

French elections: No deals with the right! All out to apply and deepen the NFP programme!

Révolution | July 8, 2024

Masses mobilise as the French ruling class prepares for Le Pen government

Niklas Albin Svensson | July 4, 2024

France: beat the right and the far right! Fight for communism!

Révolution | June 20, 2024

The Moscow massacre: Who was responsible?

Alan Woods | March 26, 2024

The fall of Avdiivka: The beginning of the end 

Alan Woods | February 23, 2024

NATO staring defeat in the face in Ukraine

Jorge Martín | January 9, 2024

Gaza war: Dockers at the port of Barcelona show the way forward!

L'Octubre | November 15, 2023

West faces humiliation in Ukraine

Alan Woods | September 21, 2023

As Ukraine’s offensive stalls, are negotiations on the agenda?

Niklas Albin Svensson | August 30, 2023

Who killed Prigozhin?

Alan Woods | August 28, 2023

Europe’s wildfires: Hellish summers under capitalism

Lubna Badi | August 10, 2023

Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky – mobilize international solidarity!

International Executive Committee of the IMT | August 2, 2023

France: Teenager murdered by police – the workers’ movement must intervene!

Révolution | June 29, 2023

Russia: Prigozhin’s failed adventure

Jorge Martín | June 27, 2023

Prigozhin’s attempted coup: A statement by the Organization of Communist Internationalists

Organization of Communist Internationalists (IMT Russia) | June 25, 2023

Horror in the Mediterranean: A racist crime of European capitalism

Alexandros Karagounis and Patroklos Psaltis | June 21, 2023

Ukraine dam breach unleashes warmongering hysteria

Joe Attard | June 8, 2023

France: Macron’s Pyrrhic victory

Jérôme Métellus | June 2, 2023

Britain: Abolish the monarchy! For a socialist republic!

Socialist Appeal, U.K. | May 8, 2023

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