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Urgent note on Venezuela: How did we reach this dead end?

Jorge Martín | July 31, 2024

Imperialist hypocrisy: Canadian government refuses to recognize Venezuelan election results

Ben Marenlensky | December 10, 2020

Trudeau and Guaidó: Two great “democrats” meet

Julien Arseneau and Benoît Tanguay | January 28, 2020

Down with Trump’s Venezuela embargo: fight imperialist aggression by revolutionary means

Jorge Martin | August 9, 2019

Venezuela: Guaidó’s botched coup – what does it mean and what’s next?

Jorge Martin | May 1, 2019


International Marxist Tendency | February 12, 2019

Montreal Marxist Winter School 2019: Special session on the situation in Venezuela

Fightback | February 12, 2019

Trump is going for regime change – we say: hands off Venezuela!

Jorge Martin | January 29, 2019

Canadian hypocrisy in Venezuelan coup-d’etat

Alex Grant | January 25, 2019

Venezuela: coup in progress, Guaidó proclaims himself president

Lucha de Clases (Venezuela) | January 24, 2019

Defend Venezuelan expat voting rights!

Fightback and Hands Off Venezuela Canada | May 17, 2018

Venezuela after the Constituent Assembly elections, conciliation or revolution?

Jorge Martin | August 3, 2017

Venezuela: A Balance Sheet of 2016 and Perspectives for 2017

Juan Manaure and Carlos E. Jaurena | February 18, 2017

Canadian Parliament passes resolution against Bolivarian government; NDP must support the workers and poor of Venezuela

Camilo Cahis | March 19, 2014

One year after his death, carry out the legacy of Chávez!

Alan Woods | March 5, 2014

Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution in the face of economic war

Hands Off Venezuela | November 25, 2013

A narrow victory for the Venezuelan revolution — what next?

Jorge Martín | April 17, 2013

80 people turn out to discuss the revolutionary life of Hugo Chavez in Montreal

Société bolivarienne du Québec/Hands off Venezuela | April 11, 2013

Crowd of 80 gather at the University of Toronto to discuss the legacy of Hugo Chavez

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | March 13, 2013

Venezuela: The presidential elections and the tasks of the revolution

Jorge Martín | March 13, 2013

Over 70 gather in Toronto for rousing celebration of Hugo Chávez’s life

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | March 7, 2013

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