What we fight for

The capitalist system is the root cause of poverty, racism, violence, environmental destruction and war. Communists are fighting to overthrow this rotten system and replace it with a new classless society based on the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs”.
To achieve this, we are fighting for a workers’ government based on the following program. The Revolutionary Communist Party’s task is to lay the foundations of a mass communist party, which will enable the working class to implement this program.
- Expropriate the top 200 major corporations. Integrate them into a democratic socialist plan of production run under workers’ control and management.
- Enact a massive expansion of production and transition to clean energy with no loss of jobs.
- Implement a national minimum wage of two thirds the average wage indexed to inflation. Implement a retirement age of 55 and a 30 hour work week with no loss of pay.
- Expropriate parasitic landlords and developers. Initiate a mass program to build hundreds of thousands of social housing units every year. Cap rents at 10 per cent of wages.
- Institute a massive program of public works to rebuild crumbling social services.
- Build a truly free and universal public health-care system.
- Cancel all student debts and implement free education. Place schools and universities under the democratic control of teachers, staff, students and the community.
- Build a massive network of free public transit.
- End all racist immigration and asylum policies and border controls.
- Equal pay for equal work. For free, high-quality child care and social services. Free, easy to access abortion services so women have autonomy over their own bodies.
- For a communist solution to Indigenous oppression. Seize the assets of the Canadian capitalist class to end poverty, on and off the reserves. Re-establish collective ownership of the land and resources.
- End the federal capitalist state that oppresses both Quebec and Canadian workers. The right of self-determination of Quebec. Abolish the Clarity Act. For a voluntary socialist union of peoples.
- No to class compromise, build fighting unions. All union officials to be regularly elected, paid the same wage as the workers they represent, with the right of immediate recall by the ranks. Defy anti-democratic laws meant to break the trade union movement.
- Put an end to Canadian imperialism. Expropriate the banks, mining corporations and other gangsters that exploit the poor abroad. Not a penny, not a bullet for the Israeli war-machine.