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Student movement

Student strike for Palestine campaign gains momentum!

Communist Revolution | September 12, 2024

Student strike: How to get started?

Communist Revolution | August 30, 2024

Students walk out all across Canada to condemn war on Gaza

Fightback | October 30, 2023

York threatens to dissolve all student unions for supporting Palestine! Students must unite against this administration! 

Fightback at York | October 24, 2023

Revolutionary optimism on campus: Socialist Fightback Students organize for revolution across Canada!

Socialist Fightback Students | October 26, 2022

McGill administration hypocritically attacks student democracy: We must fight back!

Socialist Fightback Students at McGill | April 6, 2022

Massive tuition hikes in Alberta: Only a mass movement can stop this

Timothy Schwarz | March 31, 2022

Fightback unites with campus unions at University of Alberta to promote student-worker solidarity

Renee Kraft | March 8, 2022

McGill administration forces students back to unsafe classes

Alexander Seyva | February 3, 2022

Seventy people attend meeting on the Indigenous struggle and the fight for socialism at Concordia University!

Socialist Fightback Concordia | November 17, 2021

Socialist Fightback Students organize for revolution across Canada!

Socialist Fightback Students | October 20, 2021

Alberta government raises tuition for Zoom post-secondary education

Hayley Brown & Adam Zeineddine | March 23, 2021

Student leaders botch “strike,” use identity politics to silence left

Socialist Fightback Students | October 1, 2020

Why are university students paying full price for reduced service?

Marcus Katryniuk | August 18, 2020

In violation of student democracy, Ryerson University terminates recognition of Student Union

Socialist Fightback Students | January 28, 2020

Toronto university students hold first strike in a generation

Marco La Grotta | November 7, 2019

Open letter to Ontario student unions: Join the Nov. 6 student strike!

Ryerson Student Strike Committee | October 7, 2019

Ryerson students vote in favour of a student strike!

Adam Zeineddine | September 26, 2019

Student movement at Ryerson takes bold steps towards a student strike

Socialist Fightback Students | September 16, 2019

Rising movement for Ontario student strike

Socialist Fightback Students | August 29, 2019

“Doug Ford has got to go!”: high schoolers walk out against school cuts

M.A. Olanick | April 5, 2019

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