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Student movement

Fightback mobilizes big for Ontario student walkout

Marco La Grotta | March 21, 2019

CFS votes for Ontario student strike: what happens now?

Marco La Grotta | January 22, 2019

Metrolinx cancels YorkU GO bus routes: fight for free and accessible transit!

Socialist Fightback at YorkU | January 4, 2019

Ryerson senators shut down debate at “free speech” town hall

Socialist Fightback Students | October 29, 2018

Waterloo holds discussion against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students Waterloo | October 25, 2018

Ryerson: Over 100 rally against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students | October 20, 2018

The forces of Marxism multiply on Canadian campuses!

Socialist Fightback Students | October 16, 2018

Province-wide actions against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students | September 24, 2018

SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Doug Ford’s Anti-Protest Law!

Socialist Fightback Students | September 20, 2018

Doug Ford suppresses student protest under guise of ‘free speech’

Sinthujha Kumarasamy and Alex Grant | September 14, 2018

Transit costs mount after VIVA ends bus service to YorkU

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | September 13, 2018

No to reprisals against students and workers at York University!

Socialist Fightback at York University | June 25, 2018

CUPE 3903 at a crossroads: surrender or fight and defy!

Farshad Azadian and Alex Moldovan, member of Unit 1 of CUPE 3903 | June 15, 2018

Vote ‘no’ on the ratification vote!

Alex Moldovan | June 13, 2018

Strike at York University Enters Critical Stage

Farshad Azadian | May 28, 2018

Marxists mobilize for ‘Racists Aren’t Welcome Here’ rally at Laurier University

Jack Humphrey | May 15, 2018

Abolish the unelected board of governors: Fight for a democratic campus!

Adam Zeineddine | May 10, 2018

The Co-op Program: Valuable On the Job Training or Indentured Labour for the 21st Century

Socialist Fightback Students at the University of Waterloo | May 8, 2018

Kitchener May Day: Maoists and anarchists suppress democratic rights

Socialist Fightback Waterloo | May 4, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students co-organize undergraduate student rally at York University

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | April 30, 2018

CUPE 3903 Strike Committee Bans Pro-Strike Students from the Picket Lines

Socialist Fightback Students | April 21, 2018

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