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All-out war in the Middle East? Netanyahu bids for an escalation

Francesco Merli | August 5, 2024

Iran attacks: Netanyahu’s dangerous gamble

Alan Woods | April 14, 2024

Iran: Nationwide industrial strike – revolutionary youth calls for a general strike!

Esaias Yavari | April 28, 2023

Iran: Youth uprising continues and strike wave begins

Esaias Yavari | December 9, 2022

Iran: Movement organizes under the whip of counter-revolution

Esaias Yavari | November 24, 2022

Iran: Revolutionary youth movement endures

Esaias Yavari | October 28, 2022

Iran: Death to the oppressors – be they Shah or Supreme leader

Esaias Yavari | October 19, 2022

Iran: For the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, for the socialist revolution!

International Marxist Tendency | October 14, 2022

Iran: Repression provokes backlash and calls for a revolutionary general strike

Hamid Alizadeh | October 12, 2022

Imperialist hypocrites “in solidarity” with Iranian women

Hélène Bissonnette | October 3, 2022

Iran: Workers and students unite – for a general strike!

Esaias Yavari | October 3, 2022

Iran: The need for a revolutionary program

Hamid Alizadeh | September 28, 2022

National revolutionary uprising of Iranian youth

Esaias Yavari | September 26, 2022

Revolutionary tremors in Iran after the murder of young Kurdish girl

Esaias Yavari and Hamid Alizadeh | September 22, 2022

737 down over Tehran: Their wars, our dead

Marco LaGrotta | January 14, 2020

Iran: the killing of Qassem Soleimani – oppose US imperialist aggression

Hamid Alizadeh | January 6, 2020

Fuel Price Hike Ignites Protests in Iran

Kaveh Chai Chi | November 18, 2019

Trump and Western imperialism: hands off the Iranian protests!

Farshad Azadian | January 10, 2018

Iranian regime shaken by new mass movement

Hamid Alizadeh | January 2, 2018

War drums beat against Iran

Mike Palecek | March 7, 2012

Iran and the threat of war: What should our attitude be?

Alan Woods and Hamid Alizadeh | February 27, 2012

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