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Student movement

Open letter to the York Federation of Students: Join the struggle!

Socialist Fightback club at York University | April 19, 2018

Undergraduate Movement at York University: Lessons from the Struggle

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | April 16, 2018

Movement against sexual violence erupts at McGill

Natalia Garcia, Socialist Fightback Students member at McGill | April 13, 2018

Sectarian Witch-Hunt Against Fightback at York University: Stalinist censorship campaign sabotages student occupation and university strike

Fightback | April 3, 2018

Fightback’s response to CUPE 3903 political ban

Fightback | April 3, 2018

‘Eat your plan, David Turpin’: Students storm U of A president’s office

Alvaro Pardo, Seth Ludwig, Elle Helene, University of Alberta students and members of Socialist Fightback | March 29, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students win free education motion at McGill GA

Kian Kenyon-Dean | March 28, 2018

York University Workers Out On the Picket Lines: Strike to Win!

Statement of Socialist Fightback at York University | March 5, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students reply to admin’s open letter: We stand with CUPE 3903!

Socialist Fightback Students | February 2, 2018

How to win free education: Build towards a Canada-wide student strike!

Adam Zeineddine and Mitchell Thompson | January 30, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students Manifesto

Socialist Fightback Students | January 30, 2018

York Federation of Students AGM: Fightback puts militant struggle back on the agenda

Adam Z. | December 6, 2017

Help Fightback Against Police Repression!

Socialist Fightback Students | December 1, 2017

Thousands protest against racism in Montreal

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | November 13, 2017

UofT prof Jordan Peterson targets Socialist Fightback Students activist

Socialist Fightback Students | October 27, 2017

Amazing response to Socialist Fightback Students for new school year

Jessica Cassell | September 27, 2017

Socialist Fightback Back-to-School Report: Week One

Socialist Fightback Students | September 13, 2017

Montreal: Over 40 people discuss Charlottesville and the fight against Fascism

Kian Kenyon-Dean | September 8, 2017

Join Socialist Fightback Students!

Farshad Azadian | September 5, 2017

Socialist Fightback Students Launched!

Farshad Azadian and Julien Arsenea | May 2, 2017

University Food Service Workers Take Strike Action in Toronto!

Susi Hermanns and Sinthujha Kumarasamy | March 3, 2017

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