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2017 archive

BC Election: Kick out the corrupt Liberals!

Mackenzie Orcherton | April 10, 2017

The stinking hypocrisy of Trump’s attack on Syria

Hamid Alizadeh | April 7, 2017

100 Years Since Vimy Ridge: Canada’s ‘founding myth’ Obscures Reality of Imperialist War

Luke Harris | April 7, 2017

Austerity for the workers, champagne for the bosses: The Bombardier saga continues

Marc-André Morin | April 6, 2017

Demonstration against Bombardier in Montreal: An interview with a worker

La Riposte Socialiste | April 4, 2017

Lenin’s April Theses

V.I. Lenin, Introduction by Alex Grant | April 3, 2017

Trump and Republicans Defeated as “Trumpcare” Crashes!

Tom Trottier | April 1, 2017

London terrorist attack leaves four dead

Jorge Martin, Socialist Appeal UK | March 28, 2017

5 years after the 2012 Maple Spring: The lessons for today

Joel Bergman | March 22, 2017

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois joins Quebec solidaire : Opportunities and challenges

Julien Arseneau | March 20, 2017

Grassroots members revolt against ATU 113 Executive at Local meeting (eyewitness report)

Donovan Ritch, ATU 113 member | March 20, 2017

Fightback Mobilizes for International Women’s Day

Communist Revolution Editors | March 15, 2017

NDP Leadership Race Buries Mulcair Legacy

Alex Grant | March 14, 2017

Women Before, During and After the Russian Revolution

Marie Frederiksen | March 11, 2017

100 Years Ago, Women Sparked the Russian Revolution

Fanny Labelle | March 8, 2017

Wynne’s Legacy of Energy Poverty

Sinthujha Kumarasamy | March 5, 2017

University Food Service Workers Take Strike Action in Toronto!

Susi Hermanns and Sinthujha Kumarasamy | March 3, 2017

ATU 113 Crisis: No to Trusteeship, No to Disaffiliation, For Workers’ Democracy in the Union!

Donovan Ritch, a rank and file member of ATU Local 113 | February 27, 2017

Huge Marxist Meeting in Montreal a Sign of the Times!

By Samantha Jo Ilacqua and Rob Lyon | February 21, 2017

Marvellous Canadian launch of Trotsky’s “Stalin”

Rob Lyon | February 19, 2017

Impact of Russian Revolution in North America

Socialist Fightback Editors | February 19, 2017

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