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2018 archive

Postal workers prepare for strike: Interview with CUPW president Mike Palecek

Fightback | October 11, 2018

Jennifer Keesmaat: left-wing alternative or wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Marco La Grotta | October 10, 2018

Thousands protest against racism and the CAQ in Montréal

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | October 9, 2018

Elections in New Brunswick: Impasse and the end of the two-party system

Julien Arseneau and Denis Melanson | October 9, 2018

Doug Ford rips up labour rights and the minimum wage

Melissa Callaghan | October 5, 2018

Students denounce anti-protest law at Ryerson Senate meeting

Socialist Fightback Students | October 3, 2018

Polarization in Quebec as CAQ wins majority and QS advances

Joel Bergman | October 2, 2018

Calgary 2026 Olympic bid: Kick capitalism out of sports!

Laine Sheldon-Houle | October 1, 2018

Ontario high school walkout: Youth speak out on sex ed

MA Olanick | September 28, 2018

PQ establishment panics as QS surges

Joel Bergman | September 27, 2018

Bob Rae, Mike Harris, and the fight against Doug Ford (Part 2: 1995-1999)

Socialist Fightback Editors | September 27, 2018

The $15 billion deficit: Ford uses ‘shock and awe’ to ram through austerity

Marco La Grotta | September 26, 2018

Bob Rae, Mike Harris, and the fight against Doug Ford (Part 1: 1990-1995)

Socialist Fightback Editors | September 26, 2018

Fight Kenney! Fight for socialism!

Socialist Fightback Edmonton | September 25, 2018

Province-wide actions against Ford’s anti-protest law

Socialist Fightback Students | September 24, 2018

SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Doug Ford’s Anti-Protest Law!

Socialist Fightback Students | September 20, 2018

Doug Ford suppresses student protest under guise of ‘free speech’

Sinthujha Kumarasamy and Alex Grant | September 14, 2018

Transit costs mount after VIVA ends bus service to YorkU

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | September 13, 2018

Doug Ford flouts Charter, throws Toronto elections into chaos

Evan Miller | September 12, 2018

Ford uses asylum seekers to distract and divide workers

Melissa Callaghan and Joel Bergman | September 6, 2018

Defend the right to strike!

Marco LaGrotta | August 31, 2018

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