The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is set to strike as of 11:59pm on Thursday.  CUPW workers are the first in line to have to fight back against Stephen Harper’s austerity agenda.  Fightback offers our complete support to the Canada Post workers in their fight for better living conditions.  At our recent national conference, Fightback supporters unanimously adopted the following message of solidarity.

As well, we re-print the text of a letter of greetings that the Vancouver local of CUPW sent to Fightback.

This conference thanks the CUPW Vancouver local for their kind greetings to our proceedings.

Postal workers have historically shown themselves to be at the forefront of fighting for workers’ rights — and now you are the first group of workers to face off against the majority Harper government’s program of austerity and privatizations.  Your coming struggle will set a precedent for the Canadian working class and we consider it our struggle.

We resolve to mobilize all our forces, especially in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, to support CUPW.

Increasingly, working people are coming to understand that capitalism is a failed system that only produces cuts and lay-offs.  Together, let us build a movement against austerity, against war, against oppression, and for socialism.

In solidarity,

Fightback National Conference
Toronto, 22 May 2011


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On behalf of 2,800 members of the Vancouver Local of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers we send greetings to the FÍghtback conference in Toronto. Workers around the world are under attack from the rÍght wing. We are beÍng asked to pay for a crisis that was created by corporate greed and we must stand together ín the face of these attacks. As you know, CUPW is entering Ínto an epic battle in defence of our wages, working conditions, and the future of the publÍc Post Office. We ask you to srand with us today and we promise that we will stand with you in your struggles tomorrow.

The Struggle Continues.

In SolÍdarity,

Robert Mulvin,

Presiclent CUPW Vancouver Local