Hundreds of communists across the country took to the streets on April 6 to declare the founding of the Revolutionary Communist Party. In Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Sherbrooke, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria and elsewhere, comrades held rallies, firmly planting the flag of communism.
Videos of the demonstrations are already getting thousands of views on social media. Even our enemies are beginning to take notice. One right-wing wannabe-influencer took to social media to warn that we’re “clever”, “fervent”, and “mean business.” We couldn’t agree more! The communists are here and we’re ready to change the world.

Around 200 communists took over Yonge-Dundas Square, where desperate poverty and homelessness exists just blocks away from some of the biggest banks in North America. It was the perfect spot to launch the Revolutionary Communist Party and chant, “the ruling class are parasites, overthrow them: that’s our fight!”

A few right wingers paid a young guy $50 to counter protest. He began to, until he heard what we had to say. We exposed Bay Street. We exposed the banks. We exposed the billionaires and we provided a revolutionary communist way forward. And after hearing our speeches, this young guy grabbed a placard and joined our rally! It shows that the right-wing media with all their lies, can only work until the people hear what the communists have to say.
150 communists staged a march to Parc Jarry in the middle of Montreal. There, comrades gave revolutionary speeches, firing up the crowd. The mood was electric. Six comrades decided to join the RCP on the spot!

One highlight came from comrade Louis, who spoke about how spending his entire life in a world of crisis sent him to look for revolutionary conclusions. “I’m 18, I was three when the 2008 crisis hit. The image I’ve had of capitalism since I was born is one of war, economic crisis, growing inequality, climate crisis, terrorism—the list goes on.”
He continued: “I read a few red books and lamented the world situation without doing anything, I was useless. Then I arrived in Quebec and immediately noticed the ‘Are you a communist?’ posters. It surprised me to see people so openly communist and revolutionary… and when I saw all those determined people who agreed with me, it cured me of my depression and pessimism. Now I’m more motivated than ever!”
Over 50 comrades marched and rallied at Grandview Park. Capitalism is hell in Vancouver, which is now the most expensive city in Canada. As comrade Mark said, “The ruling class does not care about your religion, who you’re having sex with, or any of that. They only care about how they can exploit you for profit and maintain their rule over you.”

The response from everyday working people was overwhelmingly positive, and we won a handful of new comrades to the party that same day. Two high school students had traveled all the way from Abbotsford, and came decked out with big bright red flags. They were already well-read on the Marxist classics and wanted to get organized. These comrades will be joining our cell in Chilliwack!
Join your party!
The RCP’s launch was a great success, but this is just the start. We will not rest until the entire parasite capitalist class is expropriated, until all landlords cower in fear, and until the working class is in power!
Our next step is to build the RCP into a mass party capable of leading a revolution to destroy capitalism—and we need your help. If you’re a communist, come be a part of your party. Sign-up now, and join us in Montreal on May 18-20 for the RCP’s founding congress.
“If you are wondering why the hell it has to be this way, you are not crazy. But you might be a revolutionary.”
-Josie S., Edmonton