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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

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Bombardier gets billions while workers face cuts

Mousa Ladqani | November 19, 2015

Quebec Strikes – Defy back-to-work legislation!

Joel Bergman | October 31, 2015

Workers take to the streets as mass strike movement in Quebec begins

Vincent Beaudoin | October 7, 2015

The Death of Jacques Parizeau and The Class Nature of Sovereignty

Rob Lyon | June 24, 2015

What happened to the Quebecois Spring?

Joel Bergman | June 18, 2015

Police repression at UQAM marks sharpening of Quebec movement

Joel Bergman | April 10, 2015

Quebec students must bring the workers into the struggle!

Isa Al-Jaza’iri | April 10, 2015

Thousands on the street as Quebec student strike begins

Jack Rising and Joel Bergman | April 9, 2015

Quebec: No backing down! For a 24-hour general strike against austerity!

Joel Bergman | April 9, 2015

100,000 workers in the streets of Montreal: A glimpse of what is to come

Mike Leiden | December 2, 2014

Austerity threatens to unleash the power of the working class in Quebec

Joel Bergman | November 20, 2014

Quebec Liberals target pension funds: Solidarity with the municipal workers!

Manuel Viens | September 19, 2014

Liberals win majority in Quebec election: Charter rejected, austerity to come

Joel Bergman | April 11, 2014

Quebec: On Apr. 3 fight austerity, fight for socialism!

Julien Arseneau | April 2, 2014

Quebec elections 2014: Defeat austerity and the charter!

Joel Bergman | March 14, 2014

Capitalism is corrupt; Projet Montreal must fight the bosses

Isa Al-Jaza’iri | October 1, 2013

The grand distraction: The charter of Quebec “values”

La Riposte editorial board | September 23, 2013

The Lac-Mégantic disaster — Who is to blame?

Joel Bergman | July 16, 2013

Police repression returns to the streets of Montreal

Mike Leiden | March 27, 2013

Quebec education summit is a masquerade: Indexation is not a solution for students

Vincent Plourde-Lavoie | March 1, 2013

The austerity of the Parti Québécois and the tasks of Quebec solidaire

Jean-Léandre Cyr and Joel Bergman | January 28, 2013

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