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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

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Oct 27 Anti-War Demos – Stop the War in Afghanistan!

Julian Benson | October 25, 2007

Ontario Liberals win big majority, but already on shaky ground

Camilo Cahis in Toronto | October 12, 2007

Ontario Provincial Election: Kick Out the Tories and the Liberals

Camilo Cahis in Toronto | August 31, 2007

The Socialist Answer to the Security and Prosperity Partnership

Alex Grant | August 18, 2007

UNIVERSAL HOUSING: The Only Solution to the Alberta Housing Crisis

Mike Leiden & Gabriel Cardenas in Edmonton | August 17, 2007

The Shadow of Duplessis: Tragedy turns to farce in Quebec’s National Assembly

Lorenzo Fiorito and Fehr Marouf in Montreal | July 4, 2007

The Class Struggle in Canada, Political Perspectives for 2007 — Part Three: The Crisis of Reformism

The Fightback Editorial Board - www.marxist.ca | June 27, 2007

The Class Struggle in Canada, Political Perspectives for 2007 — Part Two: The Labour Movement

The Fightback Editorial Board - www.marxist.ca | June 25, 2007

The Class Struggle in Canada, Political Perspectives for 2007 — Part One: The Canadian Economy

The Fightback Editorial Board - www.marxist.ca | June 21, 2007

Fightback Conference 2007 – A step forward for Marxism in Canada

Fightback - www.marxist.ca | June 13, 2007

No to Private Healthcare — False Creek Urgent Care Centre open for business in Vancouver

Mike Palecek | May 22, 2007

After the Québec elections: Only the working class can defeat Charest and Dumont

Alex Grant | April 12, 2007

Québec: A High Stakes Election

the Communist Party of Québec (PCQ) | April 12, 2007

Québec: Une élection aux enjeux très importants

le Comité exécutif central du Parti communiste du Québec | March 23, 2007

NDP MP Olivia Chow proposes National Food Programme: Good start, but only a band-aid solution

Cora James | March 12, 2007

The Debt That Never Ends: CFS fails to inspire

Julian Benson | February 25, 2007

Communist Party of Canada 2007 Congress: A Trotskyist analysis for Young Communist League members

Julian Benson | January 25, 2007

Afghanistan: Bring the troops home!

Alex Grant | October 18, 2006

A Marxist’s articles on Afghanistan and NDP defector

Julian Benson | October 12, 2006

Jack Layton comes out against the war in Afghanistan, finally

Fightback editorial board | September 6, 2006

Stephen Harper defends Israel’s right to kill Canadian family and innocents in Lebanon

Camilo Cahis | July 17, 2006

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