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The Karzai-Western Split and the Crisis of the Afghan Regime

Julian Benson | April 13, 2010

Kyrgyzstan: mass revolt against rising prices, president flees

Isa Al-Jaza'iri | April 8, 2010

Canadian mission participates in Afghan torture — End the war now!

Camilo Cahis | November 28, 2009

The Afghan elections: Imperialist adventure continues to weaken

Julian Benson | September 2, 2009

Tamil Eelam: Self-determination and socialism in Sri Lanka

Camilo Cahis | May 26, 2009

The Afghan War – $18-billion buys defeat

Fightback | November 3, 2008

Afghanistan: Taliban Resurgent – The Kandahar prison-break and the NATO Occupation

Julian Benson | July 2, 2008

Pakistan elections: The Mother of all Frauds

Alan Woods | February 19, 2008

Pakistan Elections – class contradictions sharpening as the election campaign heats up

Adam Pal | February 15, 2008

Support for the PTUDC in Montreal

Lorenzo Fiorito in Montreal | February 14, 2008

Elections in Pakistan 2008 – Support socialist candidates

PTUDC - www.ptudc.org | February 1, 2008

Pakistan: Government covers up the crime – masses demand action against conspirators

Alan Woods | December 31, 2007

Leaflet of the Pakistani comrades

The Struggle (Pakistan) | December 31, 2007

Pakistan: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto

Alan Woods | December 27, 2007

Musharraf takes off his uniform: Pakistan enters a new phase of the class struggle

Alan Woods | November 29, 2007

Pakistan: Comrade Manzoor Ahmed released!

www.ptudc.org | November 19, 2007

URGENT: Comrade Manzoor arrested!

Adam Pal in Lahore | November 16, 2007

Manzoor Ahmed’s message from a police cell – To the workers of the world

Manzoor Ahmed | November 16, 2007

Pakistan – Which way forward?

Lal Khan | November 16, 2007

Manzoor Ahmed leads massive rally in Kasur to demand that Bhutto calls a 24-hour general strike

Sadaf Zahra in Lahore and Javed Malik in Kasur | November 13, 2007

No to Repression in Pakistan! Model resolution on Emergency Rule

www.ptudc.org | November 8, 2007

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