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Appeal for solidarity with the chairman of the Russian couriers’ trade union

International Marxist Tendency | October 17, 2022

European capitalism buckling under pressure of unprecedented crisis

Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick | October 11, 2022

The implications of Russia’s defeat in the Kharkiv front

Jorge Martin and Alan Woods | September 13, 2022

The death of the Queen – from one era to another

Socialist Appeal - Britain | September 9, 2022

British rail strike – “It’s class war”

Socialist Appeal Supporters | June 29, 2022

Western imperialism turns to pessimism in Ukraine

Jorge Martin | June 14, 2022

US imperialism’s proxy war: Fighting Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood

Jorge Martin | May 20, 2022

Swedish Marxists say: Fight NATO – fight imperialism!

Revolution, IMT Sweden | May 19, 2022

Ukraine crisis: Biden fans the flames of war

Alan Woods | April 27, 2022

France: What do the presidential election results really reveal?

Fred Weston | April 25, 2022

French elections: Resounding rejection of the establishment

Joe Attard | April 20, 2022

NATO lies exposed! Former agent speaks out!

Jacques Baud | April 13, 2022

France: Neither one, nor the other!

Révolution (IMT France) | April 11, 2022

Biased Canadian media hypocritically bans biased Russian media

Jeremy Swinarton | April 11, 2022

Ukraine war inflames global hunger, preparing massive unrest

Jack Halinski-Fitzpatrick | March 30, 2022

Zelenskiy government uses invasion to justify political repression

Marxist Tendency, Ukraine | March 25, 2022

Extreme double standard in Ukrainian refugee policy

Adam Zeineddine | March 23, 2022

Ridiculous Russian boycotts lead to xenophobic hate crimes

M.A. Olanick | March 21, 2022

How western imperialism prepared the ground for the conflict in Ukraine

Niklas Albin Svensson | March 15, 2022

‘Barbaric’ Russia and the ‘civilized’ West

Alan Woods | March 11, 2022

Ukraine: War is terribly profitable

Hélène Bissonnette | March 9, 2022

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