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Israel & Palestine

Communists say: capitalism is incompatible with free speech!

Joe Attard | June 13, 2024

They are all war criminals

BENOÎT TANGUAY | June 11, 2024

‘We will be your line of defence’: Union rally in support of U of T encampment

Donovan Ritch | May 29, 2024

‘Rafah is burning’: Civilians massacred as IDF bombs refugee camp

In Defence of Marxism | May 28, 2024

ICC arrest warrant: will Netanyahu be brought before the law?

Alan Woods | May 21, 2024

Police violently crush encampments in Alberta 

Cayden Ransom and Zac Dabmann | May 13, 2024

U of T encampment holds line against Zionist counter-protesters

Matthew Puddister | May 9, 2024

Stop the attack on Rafah! Fight imperialism on the home front!

International Marxist Tendency | May 8, 2024

U.S.A.: Zionist goons and cops unleash violence! Workers and students unite and fight back!

Ben Curry | May 6, 2024

Only the working class can stop the genocide

Laine Sheldon-Houle | April 30, 2024

Palestine solidarity encampment movement spreads to Canada!

Julien Arseneau | April 29, 2024

Overthrow the warmongers! Organize the world revolution!

Benoît Tanguay | April 29, 2024

Not a cent, not a bullet for the Israeli war machine: Statement on wave of Gaza solidarity student protests

In Defence of Marxism | April 26, 2024

Canadian Forces train the Palestinian Authority on how to oppress

Kailan Dancey | April 17, 2024

Iran attacks: Netanyahu’s dangerous gamble

Alan Woods | April 14, 2024

Genocide in Gaza: All parties are complicit

Benoît Tanguay | April 4, 2024

Israel murders aid workers—Western imperialism is complicit

The Communist | April 3, 2024

Biden sheds crocodile tears while supporting genocide

Fred Weston | April 1, 2024

Why Israel has delayed its attack on Rafah

Fred Weston | March 25, 2024

Communists rally to bring down Genocide Justin

Communist Revolution | March 13, 2024

Communists bring call for revolution to International Women’s Day

Renu Brar | March 7, 2024

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