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RCP Founding Congress
May 18-20, 2024 • Montreal

Pledge a day’s wage per month or a one-time amount to help build the RCP.
Monthly donors receive a print subscription to Communist Revolution.


Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover: Nationalize social media!

Bryce Gordon | May 13, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court assaults abortion rights: Fight back with class struggle!

Socialist Revolution, U.S.A. | May 3, 2022

Amazon Labor Union and the awakening of the American working class

Julien Arseneau | April 26, 2022

CIA used prisoner as ‘prop’ to teach torture methods

Oliver Brotherton | March 29, 2022

Major League Baseball lockout: Workers’ game held hostage by the owners’ greed

Stefan Salegio | March 15, 2022

Deadly east coast fires: Capitalist housing kills!

Ari Saffran, Socialist Revolution, USA | January 13, 2022

USA tornadoes: workers murdered by capitalism!

Oliver Brotherton | December 14, 2021

Rittenhouse acquitted: Another racist killer walks free

Erika Roedl & Laura Brown | November 19, 2021

Striketober: sleeping giant of US labour movement begins to stir

Joe Attard | October 19, 2021

The border nightmare faced by Haitian immigrants

Noah Emke | October 6, 2021

9/11 twenty years on

Hamid Alizadeh | September 11, 2021

Fight Texas’s Abortion Ban with Class Struggle!

Erica L., Socialist Revolution, USA | September 9, 2021

Activision workers walk out against sexist oppression

Mark O. and J. Deters | August 4, 2021

Chauvin Convicted for George Floyd’s Murder—But There Can Be No Real Justice in a Racist System!

Erika Roedl and Arman Ebrahimi, USA | April 21, 2021

Lessons from Bessemer: Only Class-Struggle Unionism Can Defeat Amazon!

Tom Trottier, USA | April 20, 2021

Marathon Refinery Workers Locked Out in Minnesota

Schwinn Campbell, Socialist Revolution USA | March 29, 2021

Anti-Asian Racism and Mass Murder in Atlanta

Nick Brancaccio, Socialist Revolution USA | March 24, 2021

Capitalism’s Weather Disaster in Texas

Gage Tijerina | February 26, 2021

Biden Inaugurated as Democrats Take Charge for the Capitalists

Socialist Revolution, USA | January 21, 2021

Capitalist censorship and Twitter’s tyranny: How not to fight Trumpism

Ari Saffran and Antonio Balmer | January 15, 2021

Happy New Year – for some

Alan Woods | January 8, 2021

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