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Thatcher’s death: We remember her crimes against our class

Rob Sewell | April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher is dead, the struggle against capitalism continues

Socialist Appeal (UK) | April 8, 2013

Crowd of 80 gather at the University of Toronto to discuss the legacy of Hugo Chavez

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | March 13, 2013

Venezuela: The presidential elections and the tasks of the revolution

Jorge Martín | March 13, 2013

Over 70 gather in Toronto for rousing celebration of Hugo Chávez’s life

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | March 7, 2013

Hugo Chavez is dead: The fight for socialism lives!

International Marxist Tendency | March 6, 2013

Tunisia: Towards a second revolution?

Jorge Martín | February 8, 2013

Israeli elections reveal growing class divide

Hamid Alizadeh | January 31, 2013

Mali: The dangerous adventures of François Hollande

Roberto Sarti | January 26, 2013

CUPW president’s letter to Jim Karygiannis: Hands off Venezuela!

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | January 25, 2013

Hands Off Venezuela: Jim Karygiannis forced to reply to letter-writing campaign

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | January 24, 2013

Letter writing campaign: Liberal Party attacks Venezuela

Hands Off Venezuela (Canada) | January 22, 2013

Campaign of the Venezuelan opposition is provoking a revolutionary backlash

Jorge Martín | January 9, 2013

Capitalists want to use Hugo Chávez’s health problems to strangle Venezuela’s revolution

Jorge Martín | December 12, 2012

Return of the Egyptian Revolution: The new pharaoh ignites the wrath of the Egyptian masses

Hamid Alizadeh | December 11, 2012

What is behind the attack on Gaza?

Alan Woods | November 22, 2012

US Elections 2012: The more things stay the same, the more they change

John Peterson (Socialist Appeal - USA) | November 8, 2012

Obama vs. Romney — Choice? What choice?

John Peterson (Socialist Appeal - USA) | November 5, 2012

Marxist sympathizer shot in Swat – Barbarism must not prevail!

Alan Woods | October 10, 2012

Venezuela’s elections: The masses defend the revolution — time to move to socialism

Jorge Martín | October 9, 2012

Why should we care about the Venezuelan elections? An interview with Hands Off Venezuela

Camilo Cahis | October 4, 2012

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