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Labour movement

Toronto labour council passes resolution on defiance of back-to-work legislation promoted by Fightback

Matt Gardner | July 6, 2018

Goderich miners erect blockade as strike drags on

Marco La Grotta | July 5, 2018

Resurgence of the class struggle in Quebec

Benoît Tanguay | June 28, 2018

CP rail workers go on strike for improved working conditions

Marco La Grotta | May 30, 2018

Labour Fightback launched in Toronto and Montreal!

Jahan Niroomand and Robin Lebon | May 9, 2018

Defeat Back-To-Work Legislation Against York University Workers!

Socialist Fightback Students | May 7, 2018

Labour Fightback Manifesto launch: The fight begins on May 1!

Donovan Ritch | May 1, 2018

CUPE 3903 Member Kicked Off the Picket Lines for Insisting on Democratic Rights

Alexander Moldovan, member of CUPE 3903 | April 24, 2018

Labrador City and Sept-Îles: Workers strike against IOC

Chloé Pouliot | April 10, 2018

Support CUPE 3903! For Militant Class Struggle!

By Marissa Olanick and Alex Moldovan, member of CUPE 3903 | March 6, 2018

Bureaucratic Game of Thrones as Unifor Leaves the CLC

Evan Miller, member of CUPE and Alex Grant, member of Unifor | January 18, 2018

Eyewitness report from OFL Young Workers’ Assembly: Lack of democracy and political confusion

Jahan N. | December 5, 2017

Ontario faculty legislated back to work: we need a movement of defiance!

Marco La Grotta and Alex Grant | November 17, 2017

College faculty strike: their fight is our fight!

Socialist Fightback Students | October 16, 2017

ATU 113 Election: Rank-and-file workers vote for change

Donovan Ritch, a rank-and-file member of ATU Local 113 | October 13, 2017

Support the Toronto Pearson Airport Workers’ Strike!

Jahan Niroomand and Gabriel Galeano | August 4, 2017

Anger and Frustration as Quebec government Legislates End to Construction Worker Strike

Joel Bergman | June 1, 2017

For the Democratic Right to Recall! ATU 113 Workers Organize to hold Leadership Accountable

Donovan Ritch, Rank-and-File TTC worker | April 19, 2017

Demonstration against Bombardier in Montreal: An interview with a worker

La Riposte Socialiste | April 4, 2017

Grassroots members revolt against ATU 113 Executive at Local meeting (eyewitness report)

Donovan Ritch, ATU 113 member | March 20, 2017

ATU 113 Crisis: No to Trusteeship, No to Disaffiliation, For Workers’ Democracy in the Union!

Donovan Ritch, a rank and file member of ATU Local 113 | February 27, 2017

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