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Labour movement

‘Fightback’ Visit to GM Blockade, June 4th 2008

Julian Benson | June 13, 2008

Save the Oshawa GM plant! Nationalize the auto industry!

Mike Palecek | June 4, 2008

Part-time teachers at Concordia and McGill under attack

Mike Leiden and Ryan Burnham | May 7, 2008

Support the TTC Workers: Fund our Public Services!

Fightback - www.marxist.ca | April 18, 2008

Manufacturing crisis hits Brockville area hard

Adam Fulsom | April 16, 2008

Workers’ Control at Canada Post

A CUPW Shop Steward | April 3, 2008

Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign launches in Canada

PTUDC (Canada) | February 22, 2008

Organizing in the Retail Trade – Loomis Workers Gain Important Victory

Kevin Bell in Vancouver | September 25, 2007

Fightback Demands the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Alison Bodine!

MAWO | September 15, 2007

Teamsters Strike at IKEA Richmond

Mike Palecek in Vancouver | September 4, 2007

Vancouver Library Workers Fight for Pay Equity amid Wider Civic Strike

Kevin Bell in Vancouver | August 15, 2007

High strike rate and factory occupations in Canada

Julian Benson and Alex Grant | June 15, 2007

Canadian Auto Workers occupy parts plant in Scarborough, ON

Julian Benson | April 10, 2007

What Boom?… Ontario closures mean thousands more will lose their jobs

Camilo Cahis | March 19, 2007

Intended closure of Hershey plant is a crime

Adam Fulsom | March 19, 2007

“No” Campaign Sweeps CUPW: Tentative agreement not good enough!

Mike Palecek, Shop Steward, Vancouver local (in personal capacity) | March 4, 2007

Conservative government threatens to smash CN workers

Camilo Cahis | February 20, 2007

Interview with Willie Lambert

Julian Benson | November 29, 2006

Ontario grocery workers set to strike over Thanksgiving

Brent J. MacVicar | October 4, 2006

Militant actions wins! A critical look at Ontario politics

Camilo Cahis | September 14, 2006

The Race to the Right: The CAW/NDP split

Julian Benson | September 12, 2006

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