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Labour movement

Rising Assaults at TTC Requires Workers Control of Health and Safety

Rank-and-File Member of ATU Local 113 | March 10, 2022

Fightback unites with campus unions at University of Alberta to promote student-worker solidarity

Renee Kraft | March 8, 2022

Victory to striking University of Lethbridge workers!

Andrew Brown | February 23, 2022

Oakville Transit workers on strike against rising costs

Fadi H. | February 18, 2022

Solidarity with Striking UOIT Faculty

Mitchell Thompson | February 15, 2022

Fightback in solidarity with striking CAA workers

Sky Grannum | February 14, 2022

Starbucks: A Venti-Sized Cup of Struggle is Brewing

Eric Goodman | February 11, 2022

Uber-UFCW ‘National Agreement’: Class collaboration is no solution

Mitchell Thompson | February 10, 2022

‘Freedom Convoy’—a warning to the labour movement

Rob Lyon | February 5, 2022

Deliberate sabotage of Ottawa ‘Freedom Convoy’ counter-demo by aristocracy of labour

Socialist Fightback Ottawa | February 4, 2022

Transit strike in B.C.’s Sea to Sky Region

Awan Renee | February 3, 2022

Cineplex receives millions in corporate welfare, lays off workers anyway

Enrique Rodriguez Pamanes | February 1, 2022

Teachers across Canada speak out against unsafe school re-openings amid Omicron wave

Labour Fightback | January 31, 2022

Starbucks unionization drive spreads from the U.S. to Canada: Victory to the workers!

Mitchell Thompson | January 21, 2022

Concordia strikers win on workload, job security. Salaries uncertain

Martin Braun | January 18, 2022

Support striking CAA workers!

Matt Gardner | January 13, 2022

First ever faculty strike in Alberta at Concordia University

Josie Seaton | January 11, 2022

ATU 113 elections: Change of leadership shows that members still not content with status quo

Donovan Ritch | December 16, 2021

Canada Goose workers unionize Winnipeg plants in major victory

Matt Gardner | December 10, 2021

The strike continues in Quebec daycares: Don’t back down!

La Riposte socialiste | December 7, 2021

Reportback: Naujawan Support Network rally against wage theft shows power of militant organizing

Kian Kaydee | December 7, 2021

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