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2018 archive

Liberals collapse as Ontario NDP surges forward

Farshad Azadian | June 4, 2018

Trade war looms as Trump slaps tariffs on steel, aluminum

Marco La Grotta | May 31, 2018

Fascists intimidate Montreal journalists

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | May 31, 2018

CP rail workers go on strike for improved working conditions

Marco La Grotta | May 30, 2018

No to Kinder Morgan bailout! Expropriate the oil industry!

Mike Leiden in Edmonton | May 30, 2018

Toronto: Over 70 discuss the sexual revolution in the Soviet Union

Marissa Olanick and Jessica Cassell | May 29, 2018

Strike at York University Enters Critical Stage

Farshad Azadian | May 28, 2018

Defiant mood at largest-ever Fightback Congress

Mitchell Thompson | May 23, 2018

Durham Pride: Pro-cop liberals ignore marginalized community members

Sawyer Arnold | May 18, 2018

Defend Venezuelan expat voting rights!

Fightback and Hands Off Venezuela Canada | May 17, 2018

Imperialists celebrate 70 years of Israel with a bloodbath

Francesco Merli | May 16, 2018

Marxists mobilize for ‘Racists Aren’t Welcome Here’ rally at Laurier University

Jack Humphrey | May 15, 2018

Abolish the unelected board of governors: Fight for a democratic campus!

Adam Zeineddine | May 10, 2018

Labour Fightback launched in Toronto and Montreal!

Jahan Niroomand and Robin Lebon | May 9, 2018

The Co-op Program: Valuable On the Job Training or Indentured Labour for the 21st Century

Socialist Fightback Students at the University of Waterloo | May 8, 2018

Defeat Back-To-Work Legislation Against York University Workers!

Socialist Fightback Students | May 7, 2018

Kitchener May Day: Maoists and anarchists suppress democratic rights

Socialist Fightback Waterloo | May 4, 2018

Ontario elections: Status-quo politics cannot defeat Doug Ford

Sinthujha Kumarasamy | May 3, 2018

Union May Day in Montreal: We need a militant movement!

Juniper McIntyre | May 2, 2018

Labour Fightback Manifesto launch: The fight begins on May 1!

Donovan Ritch | May 1, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students co-organize undergraduate student rally at York University

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | April 30, 2018

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