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2018 archive

Notley’s Alberta NDP digging its own grave in pipeline dispute

Alex Grant | April 27, 2018

The Communist Manifesto

Socialist Fightback Editors | April 26, 2018

Toronto van attack: Alienated young men and capitalism

Alex Grant in Toronto | April 24, 2018

Release abducted Pakistani socialists!

International Marxist Tendency | April 24, 2018

CUPE 3903 Member Kicked Off the Picket Lines for Insisting on Democratic Rights

Alexander Moldovan, member of CUPE 3903 | April 24, 2018

CUPE 3903 Strike Committee Bans Pro-Strike Students from the Picket Lines

Socialist Fightback Students | April 21, 2018

Open letter to the York Federation of Students: Join the struggle!

Socialist Fightback club at York University | April 19, 2018

From emancipation to criminalisation: Stalinist persecution of homosexuals from 1934

Fred Weston | April 18, 2018

Undergraduate Movement at York University: Lessons from the Struggle

Maral Nourizadeh Ahangar | April 16, 2018

Movement against sexual violence erupts at McGill

Natalia Garcia, Socialist Fightback Students member at McGill | April 13, 2018

Why Elon Musk Can’t Save Humanity

Laura Brown | April 12, 2018

Labrador City and Sept-Îles: Workers strike against IOC

Chloé Pouliot | April 10, 2018

The forces of Marxism take another step forward: Help us get a Montreal office!

Hélène Bissonnette | April 9, 2018

World perspectives: 2018 – a year of capitalist crisis

International Marxist Tendency | April 6, 2018


Fightback | April 3, 2018

Sectarian Witch-Hunt Against Fightback at York University: Stalinist censorship campaign sabotages student occupation and university strike

Fightback | April 3, 2018

Fightback’s response to CUPE 3903 political ban

Fightback | April 3, 2018

The Sexual Revolution in the Soviet Union

Socialist Fightback Editors | March 31, 2018

‘Eat your plan, David Turpin’: Students storm U of A president’s office

Alvaro Pardo, Seth Ludwig, Elle Helene, University of Alberta students and members of Socialist Fightback | March 29, 2018

Socialist Fightback Students win free education motion at McGill GA

Kian Kenyon-Dean | March 28, 2018

Fightback’s 2018 Perspectives – The need for a militant workers’ movement

Fightback | March 26, 2018

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