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Death toll of British imperialism in India shows hypocrisy of anti-communists

Matthew Puddister | January 4, 2023

100 years of René Lévesque: Setting the record straight

Julien Arseneau | December 15, 2022

Mikhail Gorbachev (1931-2022): the man who failed to save Stalinism from itself

In Defence of Marxism | September 2, 2022

Ten years since the 2012 Quebec student strike

Benoît Tanguay | March 22, 2022

How western imperialism prepared the ground for the conflict in Ukraine

Niklas Albin Svensson | March 15, 2022

Louis Riel and the Métis Revolution: Part Four

Joel Bergman | March 8, 2022

Louis Riel and the Métis Revolution: Part Three

Joel Bergman | March 7, 2022

Louis Riel and the Métis Revolution: Part Two

Joel Bergman | March 4, 2022

Louis Riel and the Métis Revolution: Part One

Joel Bergman | March 3, 2022

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of Putin

Niklas Albin Svensson | December 14, 2021

500 years after the fall of Mexico-Tenochtitlán: a Marxist perspective

David García Colín Carrillo | October 12, 2021

Bill Davis: Assessing A Class Enemy

Mitchell Thompson | September 2, 2021

For what? Canada, Afghanistan and the waste of imperialist war

Luke Harris | August 24, 2021

To really cancel Canada Day capitalism must be overthrown

Rob Lyon | July 1, 2021

Crisis in Newfoundland and Labrador: From Churchill Falls to ‘The Big Reset’

Liam Kroll & Leona Wood | June 10, 2021

20 years since the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas mass protest in Quebec City

Alex Grant | April 22, 2021

How to abolish the monarchy in Canada?

Benoît Tanguay | April 14, 2021

Rightwing hypocrisy and cancel culture: In defense of Norman Bethune

Guthrie Burnett-Tison | April 6, 2021

The class, the party and the leadership: How to organize revolution

Julien Arseneau | April 5, 2021

The Paris Commune: triumph, tragedy and lessons for today

Josh Holroyd | March 18, 2021

How capitalism worsened the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’

Mark F | January 19, 2021

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